Starting to Blog....Again

My intention is to start blogging....again.  Oh how I love having Dancing on the Edge, the blog where I wrote about my children from infancy to mid-childhood.  I love going back and reading about how we spent our days. Seeing photos from long ago.  Reliving the best years of my life: being a mom to two small children who needed me for everything. I WAS their everything and they were mine.

I want to create another "history blog" that will share the changes life is taking me through as those small toddlers move forward, toward their own lives.  How I will process all of it.  How it will feel, what it will look like.

I have the blog, I have the time, I have the skills to write so all I have to do is pull it all together.  That doesn't seem to difficult, does it?

So here's my goal:  to write. To share it all.  I'm sure I will overshare at times (Goodness knows I'm great at that!) but that's ok because I want to capture it.  I want it to be around for years and years so my kids, when they stumble across it, will be just as delighted as when Kelton stumbled across Dancing on the Edge.  I remember when he found it, a few years back.  He told me that he had found the blog I wrote when they were small and he was going to read it all.  I gave him a heads up that he will probably find things he wasn't aware of or that shook him and if he had questions, to talk with me.  It certainly wasn't a secret I was keeping from him since it still exists for all the world to read, if there were so inclined.  So maybe someday, maybe years from now when I am gone, one or both of them will find it and take the time to read about everything their mom went through from the time they were 17 and 14 years of age.

So that's my goal.  To write.

Here's hoping!


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