Last Spring (2018)
One weekend
It happened one weekend
Out of the blue
With no pomp with no circumstance
It happened without a word
Just a quiet rustle
A rabbit running by
It happened without much sound at all
It happened without even a drop of rain
It just...happened.
And no one noticed
It happened so quickly
And so quietly
That no one really noticed
It took me two days to notice
I'm not sure if anyone else has noticed
For I am not anyone else
I am only me
It came in whispers that no one heard
It came on the feet of birds
The soft paws of stray cats
Of the mice that keep the stray cats coming back
It came
And no one noticed
The grass is standing tall again
The ferns look brand new
The ivy vines have creeped and crawled
But still
No one noticed
It's spring time
The calendar says it has been for weeks
But no one noticed
It was still chilly
It was still wet
But it came
But it came
Spring is here
The grass is growing lush and full and tall
The ivy is covering more of the world
The leaves of the trees have become thick
So thick that when I look out my window
I can no longer see the houses around me
All winter long
Those houses have kept me company
Houses standing by
I don't know who lives in them
Or how they live
What they saw then
Or what they see now
Did they notice that I never closed my window blinds
I like the morning light to wake me
Did they notice what time I turned out the lights at days end
Did they wonder who lived here
And what we did for fun on a Saturday night
It doesn't matter now
The leaves are thick
The grass is tall
The houses are hidden from view
There is a certain silence in the air
I no longer hear the children across the field and up the hill
Their voices, their laughter muffled by the tall and full green
The light in the house is different
It's softer
It's a bit darker
It's a bit more isolating
It came so quietly and no one noticed
It came with all its wonder and glory
Spring is here
It should be a happy time
Everything seems new
Flowers bloom
Trees have born new leaves
It should feel full of possibilities
Why then does it feel like
A ticking clock
With an alarm set
That I know will jar me from newness
An alarm that is waiting
Waiting to go off
Telling me it's time to go
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